Thursday, June 30, 2011

One Week Post-Surgery

Vivian has been busy today. She got her PIC line put in her leg this morning. The procedure took a little over an hour, and she got her EJ line out of her central vein in her neck. They gave her all new drip lines. Directly after that our wonderful cardiac nurse practicioner Tina arrived and removed Vivian's surgical dressing from her chest closure. It's now open to the air for healing. She also removed ONE of the three chest tubes--this one was in the sac around the heart. (The other two go to the lungs).

Also, I didn't realize that yesterday Vivian was taken off two of three of her blood pressure meds and is tolerating that well. She remains on one called Norepi. They are forecasting taking her off the breathing vent in 3 or 4 days.

So...this has been a good day so far! Positive direction for Vivian. Her IV pole has three pump stations on it instead of four so that looks like a step in the right direction.
That's all for now. Ken and our boys are at home today catching up chores and household needs.
Love, Keri


  1. I'm glad to hear she is doing so well. We are thinking of her often and will keep the prayers coming!! the Swenzinskis

  2. Thank-you for your blog & posts about Vivian's progress!!! It means so much to be able to read & know what you guys are going through--and the strides Vivian is making. You bless US by sharing & we continue to pray even more specifically, daily, for all of you. Are YOU able to get any rest Keri? xoxo!!! the Simon's
